Tag Archives: Ph.D.

Doctoral Position

Funding is available for a Doctor of Science Studentship with Dr. Matthew Leifer at the Institute for Quantum Studies, Chapman University, California, USA.  It is in Chapman’s unique interdisciplinary Math, Physics, and Philosophy (MPP) program, which emphasizes research that encompasses two or more of the three core disciplines.  This is a 3-year program that focuses on research, and students are expected to have a terminal Masters degree before they start.

This position is part of the Southern California Quantum Foundations Hub, funded by the John Templeton Foundation.  The research project must be in quantum foundations, particularly in one of the three theme areas of the grant:

  1. The Nature of the Quantum State
  2. Past and Future Boundary Conditions
  3. Agency in Quantum Observers. 

The university also provides other scholarships for the MPP program.  Please apply before January 15, 2025, to receive full consideration for the available funding.

Please follow the “Graduate Application” link on the MPP website to apply.

For informal inquiries about the position and research projects, please get in touch with me.