On this page you can find a list of the talks I have given along with links to slides and/or videos where available. Many talks do not have video links because they were not all recorded. Some do not have slide links because I sometimes prefer to use the blackboard, there was a time in the distant past when people used to write their slides by hand on transparencies, and some slides have not yet been converted from obsoltete file formats. They may be added when I get round to it, but do not hold your breath.
Panel Discussions
- 16th May 2015: “Prospects and limitations of information theoretic approaches”, Information Theoretic Foundations for Physics, Perimeter Institute, Canada
- 25th April 2015: “Seeing Without Looking: How to Teach Physics Foundations”, New Directions in the Foundations of Physics, Washington DC, USA (audio)
Invited Talks at Conferences and Workshops
- 18th August 2016: Dirty secrets of quantum foundations, 5th International FQXi conference, Banff, Canada (slides)
- 22nd June 2016: Does time-symmetry in quantum theory imply retrocausality?, Concepts and Paradoxes in a Quantum Universe, Perimeter Institute, Canada (slides/video)
- 9th-13th November 2015: Informal talks on Spekkens contextuality, interpretations of quantum theory, and the reality of the quantum state, Workshop on Quantum Correlations, Contextuality and All That, Natal, Brazil
- 23rd October 2015: “The reality of the quantum state from Kochen-Specker contextuality”, Emergent Quantum Mechanics, Vienna, Austria (slides)
- 24th June 2015: “Aharonov meets Spekkens: What do quantum paradoxes tell us about the nature of reality?”, Convergence (Quantum Foundations Workshop), Perimeter Institute, Canada (slides/video)
- 3rd July 2014: “Ontological Models in the Block Universe”, Free Will and Retrocausality in the Quantum World, Cambridge, UK (slides/video)
- 24th June 2014: “Is the Quantum State Real?”, 12th Biennial IQSA Meeting, Olomouc, Czech Republic (slides)
- 22nd March 2014: “Ontic versus Epistemic Interpretations of the Wave Function”, Information and Interaction: Eddington, Wheeler, and the Limits of Knowledge, Cambridge, UK (slides/video)
- 6th March 2014: “Bounds on Epistemic Interpretations of the Quantum State from Contextuality”, APS March Meeting, Denver, USA (slides) Note: The numerical value of the Klyatchko bound is given incorrectly in this talk. Please see later versions of the slides for the correct value.
- 23rd June 2011: “Formulating Quantum Theory as a Causally Neutral Theory of Bayesian Inference”, ColLoQuI (Colleges of London Quantum Information Meeting), Royal Holloway, University of London, UK (slides)
- 18th August 2010: “The Two Churches of Quantum Theory and The Quantum Conditional Sates Formalism, Pictures, Quanta, Probability, Oxford, UK (blackboard talk)
- 18th December 2007: “Unentangled Bit Commitment and the Clifton-Bub-Halvorson (CBH) Theorem”, Mini-Workshop on Quantum Foils, Pavia, Italy (slides) Note: The section on bit commitment was done on the balackboard so it is not included in the slides.
- 10th December 2007: “Quantum Causal Networks: A Quantum Informationish Approach to Causality in Quantum Theory”, Quantum Information Theory in Quantum Gravity, Perimeter Institute, Canada (slides)
- 6th July 2007: “Open Questions in Ontological Models”, Operational Probabilistic Theories as Foils to Quantum Theory, Cambridge, UK (blackboard talk)
- 4th June 2007: “Separations of Generalized Probabilistic Theories via their Information Processing Capabilities”, Operational Quantum Physics and the Quantum-Classical Contrast, Perimeter Institute, Canada (slides/video)
- 8th June 2006: “Quantum Dynamics as Generalized Conditional Probabilities”, Foundations of Physics and Probability—4, Växjö, Sweden (slides)
- August 2005: “Quantum Analogs of Bayes’ Rule”, Being Bayesian in a Quantum World, Konstanz, Germany (old fashioned transparencies)
- 19th July 2005: “Nondeterministic Testing of Sequential Quantum Logic Propositions on a Quantum Computer”, Quantum Information, Computation and Logic: Exploring New Connections, Perimeter Institute, Canada (slides)
- July 2003: “Measuring Polynomial Invariants of Multi-Party Quantum States, QuICT Network Meeting, Abingdon, UK (slide file needs to be converted)
Invited Commentaries at Conferences and Workshops
- 11th June 2016: “Commentary on Jeffrey Bub: Yes! We have no bananas”, Information-Theoretic Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics, University of Western Ontario, London, Canada (video)
Contributed Talks at Conferences, Workshops and Summer Schools
- 17th July 2016: “Does time-symmetry in quantum theory imply retrocausality?”, The 18th UK and European Conference on Foundations of Physics, London School of Economics, UK (slides)
- 13th July 2016: “Plausibility Measures on Test Spaces”, 13th Biennial IQSA Meeting, University of Leicester, UK (slides)
- 21st August 2015: “Logical pre- and post-selection paradoxes are proofs of contextuality”, Conference on Quantum Information and Quantum Control, Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada (slides)
- 4th March 2015: “Does protective measurement imply the reality of the quantum state?”, APS March Meeting, San Antonio, USA (slides)
- 5th March 2007: “Cloning, Broadcasting and the de Finetti theorem in Generalized Probablistic Theories”, APS March Meeting, Denver, USA (old fashioned transparencies)
- 12th February 2007: “Conditional Density Operators in Quantum Information”, Operator Structures in Quantum Information, Banff, Canada (slides)
- 21st July 2006: “Quantum Causal Networks”, Cats, Kets and Cloisters, Oxford, UK (slide file needs to be converted)
- 13th July 2006: “Quantum Dynamics as Generalized Conditional Probabilities”, 8th Biennial IQSA Meeting, Malta (slides)
- 13th March 2006: “Entanglement of Overlapping Systems and the Breakdown of the Tensor Product”, APS March Meeting, Baltimore, USA (old fashioned transparencies)
- August 2005: “Quantum Analogs of Bayes’ Rule”, Summer School on Philosophy, Probability and Physics, Konstanz, Germany (slide file needs to be converted)
- July 2004: “Logical Pre- and Post-Selection Paradoxes, Measurement-Disturbance, and Contextuality”, 7th Biennial IQSA Meeting, Denver, USA (slide file needs to be converted)
- July 2003: “Measuring Polynomial Invariants of Multi-Party Quantum States”, 4th European QIPC Workshop, Oxford, UK (slide file needs to be converted)
- September 2002: “Optimal Entanglement Generation from Quantum Operations”, Informal Quantum Information Gathering, Imperial College, London, UK (slide file needs to be converted)
- March 2001: “Multi-particle Entanglement in Quantum States and Evolutions”, Winter School on “QuEnt” Quantum Entanglement and Quantum Information, Les Houches, France (slide file needs to be converted)
Poster Presentations at Conferences and Workshops
- 15th July 2015: “Plausibility Measures on Test Spaces”, Quantum Physics and Logic, Oxford, UK (poster)
- 19th June 2014: “Psi-Epsitemic Models are Exponentially Bad at Explaining the Distinguishability of Quantum States, Quantum Unspeakables II: 50 Years of Bell’s Theorem, Vienna, Austria (poster)
- July 2004: “Pre- and Post-Selection Paradoxes and Contextuality in Quantum Mechanics”, The Seventh International Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing, Glasgow, UK (poster file needs to be converted)
- July 2004: “Pre- and Post-Selection Paradoxes and Contextuality in Quantum Mechanics”, Reference Frames and Superselection Rules in Quantum Information Theory, Perimeter Institute, Canada (poster file needs to be converted)
- August 2003: “Measuring Polynomial Invariants of Multi-Party Quantum States”, MaPhySto/QUANTOP Workshop on Quantum Measurements and Quantum Stochastics, Aarhus, Denmark (poster file needs to be converted)
- July 2002: “Optimal Entanglement Generation from Quantum Operations”, The Sixth International Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing, MIT, Cambridge, USA (poster file needs to be converted)
- July 2002: “Optimal Entanglement Generation from Quantum Operations”, Quantum Information: Conceptual Foundations, Developments and Perspectives, Oviedo, Spain (poster file needs to be converted)
- September 2001: “Simulation of 2-qubit Hamiltonians using General Local Operations”, London Mathematical Society Regional Meeting, University of Bristol, UK (poster)
- 17th June 2016: “Everything you wanted to know about the reality of the quantum state, but were afraid to ask Matt Pusey”, Quantum Foundations Seminar, Perimeter Institute, Canada (slides/video)
- 5th March 2016: “Does time-symmetry in quantum theory imply retrocausality?”, Southern California Philosophy of Physics Reading Group, UC Irvine, USA (slides)
- 4th February 2016: “Does time-symmetry in quantum theory imply retrocausality?”, Quantum Group Meeting, Chapman University, USA
- 29th October 2015: “Bounds on psi-epistemic explanations of quantum indistinguishability from noncontextuality inequalities”, Quantum Seminar, University of Oxford, UK (slides)
- 29th October 2015: “Bounds on psi-epistemic explanations of quantum indistinguishability from noncontextuality inequalities”, Quantum Seminar, University of Oxford, UK (slides)
- 22nd October 2015: “Plausibility Measures on Test Spaces”, Quantum Foundations Seminar, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria (slides)
- 19th October 2015: “Bounds on psi-epistemic explanations of quantum indistinguishability from noncontextuality inequalities”, Quantum Information Seminar, University College London, UK (slides)
- 15th October 2015: “Aharonov Meets Spekkens: What do quantum paradoxes tell us about the nature of reality?”, Quantum Information and Foundations Seminar, University of Cambridge, UK (slides)
- 14th October 2015: “Probabilities in quantum theory and beyond”, Quantum Information group meeting, Imperial College, London, UK
- 28th January 2015: “What Are Quantum States?”, Physics and Computational Science Seminar, Chapman University, USA (slides)
- 10th December 2014: “2 out of 3 Roads to Quantum Foundations”, Quantum Foundations Seminar, IQOQI Vienna, Austria (slides)
- 4th June 2014: “A Survey of Quantum Conditional States and their Applications”, Applied Mathematics Seminar, University of Western Ontario, Canada (slides)
- 3rd June 2014: “Is the Wavefunction Real?”, Philosophy of Physics Seminar, University of Western Ontario, Canada (slides)
- 3rd April 2014: “Psi-Epistemic Models are Exponentially Bad at Explaining the Distinguishability of Quantum States”, Theoretical Physics Group Meeting, Imperial College, UK (blackboard talk)
- 2nd April 2014: “Is the Wavefunction Real?”, Philosophy of Physics Seminar, University of Bristol, UK (slides)
- 18th February 2014: “Psi-Epistemic Models are Exponentially Bad at Explaining the Distinguishability of Quantum States, Quantum Foundations Seminar, Perimeter Institute, Canada (slides/video) Note: The numerical value of the Klyatchko bound is given incorrectly in this talk. Please see later versions of the slides for the correct value.
- 20th October 2011: “Quantum Theory as a Causally Neutral Theory of Bayesian Inference”, Philosophy of Physics Seminar, Oxford University, UK (slides)
- 26th May 2011: “Quantum Conditional States, Bayes’ Rule and Quantum Pooling”, Quantum Foundations Seminar, University of Toronto, Canada (slides)
- 17th May 2011: “Quantum Conditional States, Bayes’ Rule and Quantum Pooling”, Quantum Foundations Seminar, Perimeter Institute, Canada (video/slides)
- 6th May 2011: “Quantum Conditional States, Bayes’ Rule, and State Compatibility”, Quantum Information Seminar, University of Sherbrooke, Canada (slides)
- 5th April 2011: “Quantum Conditional States, Bayes’ Rule, and State Compatibility”, Institute for Quantum Computing Seminar, University of Waterloo, Canada (slides)
- 3rd March 2011: “Quantum Conditional States, Bayes’ Rule, and State Compatibility”, Centre for Quantum Information and Foundations Seminar, University of Cambridge, UK (slides)
- 3rd February 2011: “Quantum Conditional States, Bayes’ Rule, and State Compatibility”, Quantum Dyanmics Seminar, Royal Holloway, UK (slides)
- 14th December 2010: “Quantum Conditional States, Bayes’ Rule, and State Compatibility”, Quantum Information Seminar, Imperial College, UK (slides)
- 20th February 2007: “Cloning and Broadcasting in Generalized Probabilistic Theories”, Quantum Information Seminar, CalTech, USA (slides)
- November 2006: “Cloning and Broadcasting in Generalized Probabilistic Theories”, Quantum Information Seminar, University of Cambridge, UK (slides)
- November 2006: “Cloning and Broadcasting in Generalized Probabilistic Theories”, Quantum Information Seminar, University of Bristol, UK (slides)
- November 2006: “Cloning and Broadcasting in Generalized Probabilistic Theories”, Quantum Information Seminar, Imperial College, UK (slides)
- November 2006: “Cloning and Broadcasting in Generalized Probabilistic Theories”, Quantum Information Seminar, Royal Holloway, UK (slides)
- October 2006: “Cloning and Broadcasting in Generalized Probabilistic Theories”, Quantum Information Seminar, University of Leeds, UK (slides)
- 19th September 2006: “Quantum Dynamics as Generalized Conditional Probabilities”, Quantum Information and Geometric Statistics Seminar, University of Guelph, Canada (slides)
- 28th June 2006: “Quantum Causal Networks”, PiQuDos Seminar, Perimeter Institute, Canada (video/slides)
- April 2006: “Quantum Causal Networks”, Quantum Information Seminar, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA (slides)
- April 2006: “Quantum Causal Networks”, Quantum Information Seminar, University of New Mexico, USA (slides)
- April 2006: “Quantum Causal Networks”, Institute for Quantum Computing Seminar, University of Waterloo, Canada (slides)
- 6th February 2006: “Noncommuting Subsystems and the Breakdown of the Tensor Product”, Quantum Information Seminar, ERATO Tokyo, Japan (slides)
- January 2006: “Is Quantum Computing Quantum Logical?”, Quantum Information Seminar, Technical University of Innsbruck, Austria (slides)
- January 2006: “Entanglement of Overlapping Systems and the Breakdown of the Tensor Product”, Quantum Informtion Seminar, Imperial College, UK (slides)
- 9th January 2006: “Entanglement of Overlapping Systems and the Breakdown of the Tensor Product”, Mathematical Physics Seminar, University of York, UK (slides)
- November 2005: “What’s Wrong with these Quantum Computations?”, Quantum Information Seminar, University of Sydney, Australia (slides)
- October 2005: “Do we Need a Logic of Quantum Computation?”, Quantum Information Seminar, Griffith University, Australia (slides)
- October 2005: “Do we Need a Logic of Quantum Computation?”, Quantum Information Seminar, University of Queensland, Australia (slides)
- April 2005: “Pre- and Post-Selection Paradoxes, Measurement-Disturbance and Contextuality in Quantum Mechanics”, Quantum Information Seminar, Bell Labs, USA (slides)
- 10th November 2004: “Pre- and Post-Selection Paradoxes, Measurement-Disturbance and Contextuality in Quantum Mechanics”, PiQuDos Seminar, Perimeter Institute, Canada (video/slides)
- January 2003: “Measuring Polynomial Invariants of Multi-Party Quantum States”, PiQuDos Seminar, Perimeter Institute, Canada (slides)
- August 2002: “Optimal Entanglement Generation from Quantum Operations”, Quantum Information Seminar, University of Bristol, UK (slides)
- January 2001: “Multi-particle Entanglement in Quantum States and Evolutions”, Applied Mathematics Seminar, University of Bristol, UK (slides)