Category Archives: News

FQXi Essay Contest

I wrote an essay for the FQXi essay contest.  This year’s theme is “It from bit or bit from it?” and I decided to write about the extent to which Wheeler’s “it from bit” helps us to understand the origin of quantum probabilities from a subjective Bayesian point of view.   You can go here to read and rate the essay and it would be especially great if any fellow FQXi members would do that.

RSS Feed Woes

I’ve been having problems with the news feed for this site, so I have switched to a feedburner feed at Links to the old feed should get forwarded automatically, but this does not seem to be working in Google Reader at the moment so you should update to the new feed to get the latest articles. In particular, my latest post on Quantum Time Travel is missing from the old feed in Google Reader.

Return to blogging

I have decided to try to make a return to blogging and I am intending to write new posts about once or twice a week. Making a statement like this is dangerous, as veteran bloggers know well, as it usually leads to several month’s radio silence. Nevertheless, I hope that making this announcement will give me enough motivation to actually go through with it.

For those of you who are not up-to-date with the latest Matt Leifer gossip, I essentially gave up blogging at the end of 2007 because I came down with a mysterious illness that, amongst other things, ruined my ability to do anything that requires concentration. I had to take an indefinite leave of absence from work in April 2008 and I can attest that this is not a fantastic thing to do for your academic career when you are still a postdoc. I have since been diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, a controversial syndrome that does not have any very effective treatments (at least none of them have really worked for me so far). Although I am not really feeling any better, I have decided to try and work part-time for a couple of days a week and I am in the process of transferring the remainder of my FQXi grant to University College London to pay my salary for about eight months.

As you can imagine, I have built up a lot of internal rants about quantum theory in the couple of years since I stopped blogging, so I do not think I will have much trouble coming up with topics to write about. One person who should be especially glad about my return to blogging is Chad Orzel, because it means that I will have far less time to write overly long comments on his blog whenever he writes something about that touches on the foundations of quantum theory.

Hope to see you round here sometime soon!


The website has not been updated for a long time due to recent illness.  There are two new preprints (see below) and the publications section has been updated.

FQXi Article

Download a popular account of some of my work from the FQXi site (pdf).


Generalized No-Broadcasting Theorem has been accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Lett. and Quantum Graphical Models and Belief Propagation has been accepted for publication in Ann. Phys.

Major site update

I’ve moved most of the dynamic content to the homepage, simplified the navigation and added functionality to the sidebar.

Fqxi article

A popular article about my fqxi project has just appeared on the fqxi community page.  Download it here.

3 Month visit opportunity for a graduate student

There is an opportunity for a graduate student to visit Perimeter Institute for a 3 month period to work with me on a technical project in Quantum Foundations. The main idea is to give students who are interested in quantum foundations, but working in other fields for their grad studies, the opportunity to take a break and think about quantum theory seriously for a short period. The position is funded by FQXi under my project “Abstract Quantum Probability” and the project would be selected by mutual agreement from one of the topics covered by the grant.

Funding will be provided, but the exact amount depends on Canadian immigration issues, i.e. we can only provide subsistence expenses (travel, accommodation and a per-diem for meals) to non-Canadian residents. The visit can take place at any time during the year, depending on what is most convenient for the student and myself.

If you are interested then please send your CV, a short (one or two paragraph) explanation of why you would like to visit PI and a letter of recommendation from your advisor to me at this address. There is no official deadline for applications and the search will continue until a suitable candidate is found. However, I expect there will be enough applications to make a decision by the end of September.

For further details of the possible areas of research for this project, please see the reading list below.

Back into the swing

After a brief lack of blogging inspiration I’m hoping to get back into the swing, starting with this post over at fqxi on a recent Workshop.